February 25th Healthy Lifestyle Presentations
by Nathan Selwa, Period 9

Rashen Gunawardana

Starting with Rashen's presentation, Rashen talked about the effects of increased technology use during quarantine and the negative side effects that come along with it. He talked about some of the more common problems such  like eye strain, headaches, and some of the less common problems, such as addiction and depression. He also talked about how the use of technology is impacting people's social lives, with cases of cyberbullying and online harassment increasing over the past year. My main takeaway from his presentation is that it's okay to use technology in moderation, but overuse can lead to a lot of serious health risks.

Brook Zhou

Brook's presentation focused on the importance of eating breakfast everyday, and the link it has to your everyday performance. She opened with a real life example of a student choosing to skip breakfast due to not having enough time, and performing worse on a test as a result. She then explained that eating breakfast has a massive impact on cognitive function, and backed up that claim with multiple studies. Overall, she did a very good job of convincing me to stop skipping breakfast and give myself the time to eat anything, even if it's something small.

YongYan Liang

While many other people would've advocated for restricted device use, Crystal's presentation instead focused on more educated device use. She opened with a very simple question: "Where do you see yourself in 30 years? What do you need to do to get there?" She then covered a plethora of different resources available online to help us achieve our goals. For developing everyday skills, she recommended websites like Coursera and Skill Share, where instructors give in depth lessons about any topic you can think of. For furthering your education, she recommended websites like Udemi and Khan Academy. For learning a new language, she recommended Rosetta Stone and Duolingo. My main takeaway from her presentation was that you should spend your time on devices productively, and use them to help you achieve you goals.


Overall, I was very impressed by all of the presentations and thought they were very insightful and well researched. I liked how Rashen and Crystal gave two different arguments about the same topic, and I ended up weighing the pros and cons of device use in my head after listening to both of their points. I also really liked Brook and Crystal's visual aids, and I thought they were used excellently to present facts about their individual topics.


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