Debates - 5/17/2021
5/17/2021 Shimin Xu Period 9 Aim: To provide feedback on argumentative essay Announcements: May 20th AM Session in Person: Resolved that the use of recreational marijuana be legal in the entire United States has been moved to May 28th May 20th AM Session replaced with a regular lesson and presentation May 20th PM Session Virtually: Resolved that technological advances influence us for the better has been moved to May 25th Argumentative thesis were graded and sent back with comments June 4th is deadline for argumentative paper as well the submission of any work that has been redone Peer Review: The breakout rooms were opened and the students divided themselves into pairs with one group of three Students were allowed to choose their partner but they could not have the same topic as you for their paper Students created a copy of the Argument Peer Reviewer worksheet located on Google Classroom and shared the document and our argumentative drafts with our partners as well as the...