Healthy Lifestyles 02.25.21
Leeza Pantano
Period 9
Ronald Huang - Cutting down on screen time can help improve multiple aspects of your life, including its quality.
Sitting in front of a screen can lead to many health problems.
Sitting in a chair too long is bad for your back!
Dry eyes due to less blinking.
We have a circadian rhythm that’s regulated by the sun- many biological processes are dependant on its timeliness.
Sitting in front of a screen can mess up said circadian rhythm and cause your sleep schedule to be more inconsistent, and the quality of aforementioned sleep abysmal.
Screens are bad at night; melatonin production is halted by the presence of blue light emitted from phones; you will not get tired.
Lack of sleep can cause moodiness and poor memory recollection
The coronavirus has caused us to spend a lot more time in front of screens, leading to an increase in problems caused by screens.
Adolescents are better at reading emotional and social cues if they spend less time in front of screens.
20/20/20 rule
Every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Set screen time limits.
Anton Slesarevich - Sleeping has a profound effect on your overall health;a heavier emphasis needs to be put on it.
The Importance of Sleep
Lack of sleep results in health drawbacks
Fatigue, short temperament.
Try to go to bed whenever you feel tired
Wake up naturally and don’t use an alarm clock
Undersleep on weekdays > oversleep on weekends > undersleep on weekdays > etc.
Sleep quality is equally, or even more important than sleep duration.
Students that do not regularly sleep 7 or more hours a day tend to drop one or more classes at a higher rate than students who do sleep 7 or more hours a day.
Students that dedicate time to relaxing activities are shown to have better sleep quality.
Sleeping on your back can help alleviate back or neck pain.
Sleeping on your left side tends to be the most comfortable way to sleep.
Changing sheets regularly tends to lead to a more restful sleep.
Leave your technological devices in a different room for the night.
Sleep duration
Be active during the day
Sleeping position
Make your bed ideal for sleep
Grace Lin - Social Media can have detrimental effects on your mental, and subsequently, physical health.
Cutting down on social media
Scrolling through social media is fun and easy, but it can cause us to compare our lives to others’ in a negative or self-critical way.
A study published by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine shows that the more time that an individual spends on social media, the more likely they are to have problems with sleeping and symptoms of depression.
Grace talks about her own personal experience with Instagram, and how it went from being fun to pressuring and caused her to feel insecure about herself.
Cutting down social media usage will solve this problem.
Ways to cut down on social media:
“Screen Time” tool for iPhones to monitor how much time you spend on social media.
Set screen time limits through something like a timer.
Disable push notifications for social media.
In conclusion, there are many benefits to social media, as well as many drawbacks.
I really enjoyed the presentations today! I thought they were all well-researched and exceedingly informative. I’m impressed; I did not expect this from anyone. Good job! I also want to say thank you to everyone for picking such useful topics! I was genuinely interested in every presentation, something that cannot be said about every lecture I’ve had the displeasure of sitting through. With this in mind, I will say some stood out more than others- not necessarily because the quality was better, but simply because the topic resonated with me more. Now, I know, I know, active listening. And I was! I swear. For example, I was intrigued by Ronald’s presentation about the effects of screens on your body, because that's the main and virtually only mode of communication right now. He made several excellent points that practically begged to be followed. Life is hard as is. Why make it harder by ruining your health? As for the other presenters, they did similarly excellent jobs with both their speeches and visual aids. I enjoyed Grace’s PowerPoint immensely. She did an excellent job showing and proving how social media is in fact a double-edged sword, and that taking a break could be the most beneficial thing to happen to you. I also appreciated her telling the audience how they can cut down on social media use; suggesting the screen time tool was a very smart idea, and something that can be utilized by a majority of society. Anton had very informative diagrams that helped elevate his speech to a new level. I’ve come to realize that certain topics require some sort of visual aid because of their obscurity or niche. For example, I would not have known anything about the position of my intestines or stomach as I slept if Anton had not taken the liberty of finding such a lovely picture (sleep on your left by the way, unless you want your stomach to fall out :/). Ultimately, I recognize and appreciate the effort that went into such an assignment, and commend the bravery of the first groups of students presenting. I definitely plan on acting on several of your suggestions and feel that my quality of life will be improved; such convincing arguments were made! How could I not.
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