Healthy Lifestyles 02.25.21
Leeza Pantano Period 9 02.25.21 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES PRESENTATIONS 3-6 Ronald Huang - Cutting down on screen time can help improve multiple aspects of your life, including its quality. Sitting in front of a screen can lead to many health problems. Sitting in a chair too long is bad for your back! Dry eyes due to less blinking. Eyestrain We have a circadian rhythm that’s regulated by the sun- many biological processes are dependant on its timeliness. Sitting in front of a screen can mess up said circadian rhythm and cause your sleep schedule to be more inconsistent, and the quality of aforementioned sleep abysmal. Screens are bad at night; melatonin production is halted by the presence of blue light emitted from phones; you will not get tired. Lack of sleep can cause moodiness and poor memory recollection The coronavirus has caused us to spend a lot more time in front of screens, leading to an increase in problems caused by screens. Adolescents are better at reading emotional and soc...